Mobile IT fleet management

Effortlessly manage your organization's entire mobile device fleet.
Inventory Management

Maximize operational efficiency

Simplify inventory tracking and management through user-friendly data tables, interactive map views, and bulk action functionalities.
inventory management
Data table
Quickly sort through your entire fleet and drill down into individual devices effortlessly. Customize your table view by choosing the columns and order that matter most to you.
custome search filters
Fleet map view
Get a bird's eye view of all your devices on Google map. Easily update the map with filters to target specific devices or groups, and keep tabs on your devices' locations in real-time.
enrollment & intergration
Mass actions
Eliminate the time and tedium of individually managing devices. Perform bulk actions on selected devices, from broadcasting messages to executing a wide array of security measures.
Custom Search Filters

Keep your inventory organized

Effortlessly manage, track, and organize devices with custom groups, tags, and loan management features, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
inventory management
Device groups
Create custom groups tailored to how your organization works, allowing you to effortlessly manage and organize your devices based on any attribute.
custome search filters
Tags and notes
Gain greater granularity by assigning tags to devices based on specific criteria or adding custom notes to capture relevant information for each device in your fleet.
enrollment & intergration
Custom search filters
Find the devices you need with ease with powerful search and filter capabilities. Use smart filters, or create and save custom ones using any data point combination.
Enrollment & Integrations

Streamline device enrollment

Seamlessly enroll devices and integrate with leading MDMs for streamlined device management.
inventory management
Bulk enrollment
Effortlessly onboard your devices with our streamlined enrollment process. Utilize CSV imports for quick setup, and watch as devices are automatically enrolled upon agent installation and connection.
custome search filters
MDM integrations
Enhance your device management capabilities by integrating our platform with leading MDM solutions. Automate enrollment and ensure that your devices are always up to date and secured.
Loan Management

Simplify device tracking and IT equipment circulation

Effortlessly oversee your IT fleet, with a focus on streamlining short-term device allocation and management.
inventory management
Device register
Effectively track your inventory. Easily filter devices based on availability, assign them to end-users, and maintain a clear record of device ownership for enhanced accountability and organization.
custome search filters
Schedule returns
Ensure timely returns by assigning return dates and creating automated reminders and instructions for users, simplifying the process and promoting efficient device turnaround.

Request Pricing

Need real-time insights into the whereabouts of your mobile devices?
Contact us to see how we can help you achieve total IT fleet geo-visibility

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Your organization's name*
How many devices do you want pricing for?
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