Security monitoring

Gain complete visibility and ensure compliance and audit readiness
Monitoring Dashboard

Maintain complete visibility

Get complete, real-time visibility on your fleet performance, distribution and security posture.
inventory management
Gain a comprehensive view of your fleet's security posture and inventory in one centralized interface. Streamline management by accessing relevant filtered views with just one click.
custome search filters
Customize display
Tailor the dashboard to fit your unique needs with customizable display options. Easily choose and arrange the data you want to see, aligning it with your preferred management style.
Device Security Reports

Drill down to granular data

Gain valuable insights into device security with comprehensive, customizable reports.
inventory management
Security reports
Proactively address potential risks and ensure optimal device security with detailed reports, offering comprehensive insights into device activity.
custome search filters
Customized reports
Effortlessly track and manage your security and compliance needs with customized reports tailored to your specific requirements.
Admin Activity Logs

Keep everyone accountable

Track and review all admin activities for enhanced accountability and transparency.
inventory management
Admin activity log
Ensure accountability, transparency, and comprehensive logging of every administrative action, giving you peace of mind and a secure and transparent environment.
custome search filters
Actions & status
Stay informed and in control with detailed action logging, providing visibility into every security action, and the ability to track the status of each action.
data retention

Look back in time

Maintain data records for long periods to meet auditing and regulatory requirements.
inventory management
Data retention
Maintain regulatory compliance and confidently preserve critical data for extended periods, allowing seamless audits and meeting compliance requirements with ease.
custome search filters
Device history
Effortlessly track and manage your security and compliance needs with customized reports tailored to your specific requirements.

Request Pricing

Need real-time insights into the whereabouts of your mobile devices?
Contact us to see how we can help you achieve total IT fleet geo-visibility

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