Policies & automation

Effortlessly manage your organization's entire mobile device fleet.
Location Tracking & Policies

Track devices in real-time

Track device locations and implement location-based policies for enhanced security.
inventory management
Location tracking
Always know the location of your fleet of devices, however dispersed it is. Senturo empowers you to discover your devices’ exact real-time locations, and view them easily on Google Maps.
custome search filters
Enter and exit zone policies
Stay current with the security status of each device. Create zones that trigger alerts or actions whenever a device leaves or enters a designated area.
enrollment & intergration
Location history
Accurate device tracking gives you a clear audit trail of where your device has been and where it is now: a perfect resource for compliance and investigation.
Usage & Security Policies

Enforce proactive security

Safeguard your fleet by enforcing security policies to regulate device usage, network access and agent status.
inventory management
Network policies
Ensure secure network access and prevent unauthorized connections by whitelisting specific IP addresses for device connectivity, and detect potential VPN misuse for enhanced security.
custome search filters
Usage policies
Set time boundaries to determine when users can utilize their devices, ensuring adherence to authorized usage periods. Empower administrators to maintain control over device utilization for optimized productivity.
enrollment & intergration
Status control
Stay informed and in control by monitoring device security status, identifying non-compliance issues, and ensuring regular device connectivity and updates.
Security Automation

Simplify security management

Automate security responses and actions to efficiently protect your fleet from potential threats.
inventory management
Rules and automation
Save time and streamline your workflows by automating your security responses. Utilize scheduled and event-based triggers to detect threats early and run appropriate actions.
custome search filters
Schedule exclusions
Tailor security measures to your organization's unique requirements. Adapt automations to specific time frames by pausing or resuming them, aligning with holidays, leaves, or weekends.
Privacy & Security Settings

Align with your privacy and security policies

Configure privacy and security settings to match your organization's policies.
inventory management
Privacy settings
Customize the product to meet your organization's specific needs and privacy policies. Add an extra layer of security, or permanently disable any privacy-sensitive feature at the account level.
custome search filters
Role & access management
Tailor user roles, permissions, and access levels to match your unique operational requirements. Grant the right level of access and ensure only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data.
enrollment & intergration
Two-factor authentication
Embrace a proactive security approach and reduce the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information by enabling two-factor authentication.

Request Pricing

Need real-time insights into the whereabouts of your mobile devices?
Contact us to see how we can help you achieve total IT fleet geo-visibility

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